A Message from the Mugumes

July 27, 2024

Dear Friends,

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for us!

God continues to bring clarity on our WHY we had to be in the place we are planted through every opportunity we have had to bring the good news to many. The impact on the next generation and men’s and women’s discipleship groups continues to grow and be evident. We must be replaced by next generation leaders and are already identifying the people invested in this growth path.

From July 11-17 we hosted a team of 15 in Adjumani from Christ Place Church and experienced the most amazing and encouraging days of ministry that we have ever had. Over 2,000 people were reached with the gospel in schools, rural villages, a refugee camp, and prison – Luke 15:7 says it’s worth it if only one accepted the truth! For the first time ever the men’s attendance superseded the women’s during a community leadership training 😊 – that’s a big deal and huge praise as far as reaching men! A fun and intense corn-hole tournament with the men turned the stakes up and the community is buzzing for more. We are so thankful for all that God accomplished in just a few short days in and through this team. Time went so quickly, and we were filled to overflowing with encouragement having the U.S. and Uganda team serving together to share the gospel. Some things are better experienced than said, as John 15:5 puts it, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – All glory to God!

Over the past few months that we have been in Uganda and have served alongside our Mtoto W’afrika Child Care Ministries Uganda co-founder, it became increasingly clear that we had different visions for ministry. We have had several meetings with him as commanded in God’s Word that, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” During those meetings, through prayer and seeking wisdom and guidance, it became clear to us that we need to part ways with the co-founder of the Uganda ministry. This is not what we wanted nor expected, but we also understand the futility in being unequally yoked and without unity in our mission and vision. We want you to know that while there may be some re-branding and administrative changes in the coming weeks, Sydney and I remain focused on our ministry in Northern Uganda.

Late Friday our Facebook page was taken down after an untimely message was released about my (Collins) resignation as Executive Director and Board member at the Uganda registered organization, Mtoto W’afrika Child Care Ministries. The Facebook platform will be reinstated when new changes take effect. To stay connected with us please find us on the web, our newsletter, Instagram, X platform, YouTube, and individual Facebook accounts including our Mugume family page.

That said, I did step away from my leadership roles in the Uganda registered Mtoto W’afrika Child Care Ministries due to several differences. We appreciate your support and prayers in this painful transition. What will not change is that we know we were called here, and we want to stay as long as the Lord has us here. In addition, please know that your donations will stay with us and our ministry— Mtoto W’afrika U.S. exists as a separate entity from any other foreign implementation organizations and is led by an incredible Board of Directors as well as accountable to the partners that make it possible for work to be done in rural areas of Africa with a focus on the Great Commission. We are so appreciative of your trust in us, your belief in what the Lord is accomplishing through us, and the financial support you provide to allow us to be in Uganda. We are working closely with our Mtoto W’afrika U.S. Board to make sure there are no ministry disruptions as we go through this transition as smoothly as possible.

Keep us and the Ugandan team in your prayers as we grow through these changes. It Will Be Worth It: James 1:2-4. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Even in these circumstances we want you to know we are not slowing down—Sept 2-13 we will host another team from Christ Place Church to serve alongside us in Adjumani. Please be praying for Tara, Owen, Stephanie, Abi & Aimee as they prepare to come and continue to build upon what God did with the previous team. We believe it will be another great week of serving together to share the gospel and serve the people of northern Uganda.

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition, please feel free to reach out to our Mtoto W’afrika U.S. Board President, Gary Marx, at 1-703-785-6843.

We love you! We need your prayers each and every day! We are so thankful for the loving God we serve.

Collins & Sydney

We exist to raise resilient, resourceful, community based Godly leaders for Africa’s tomorrow, today!

We exist to raise resilient, resourceful, community based Godly leaders for Africa’s tomorrow, today!

East Africa Office


Uganda East Africa 



East Africa Office


Uganda East Africa 



